Due to their size, the technical guides have been divided into sub-sections. Please select a section to open below.
Click here to read the technical guide introduction
Click here to read the general information PDF
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- Mastic Asphalt Screed and Levelling Solution
- Uninsulated rooftop parking in car: HGV decks
- Insulated rooftop parking in car:HGV decks
- Drainage channels on rooftop parking in car:HGV decks
- Unheated ramps in car:HGV decks
- Heated ramps in car:HGV decks
- Heavy duty drainage channels on ramps in car:HGV decks
- Roofing Index
- Roofing Introduction
- Design of roof to be asphalted
- Design of the base
- Mastic asphalt roofing
- Surface protection
- Detail considerations
- Roofing Site Work
- Roofing Workmanship
- Roof Maintenance and repair
- Timber roof deck with free standing kerb (cold roof)
- Timber roof deck with free standing kerb (warm roof)
- Metal roof deck with free standing kerb (warm roof)
- Concrete roof deck and skirting (cold roof)
- Concrete roof deck and skirting (warm roof)
- Concrete roof deck and skirting (inverted roof) with external insulant
- Waterproofing to garden roof (partly insulated)
- Waterproofing to garden roof (fully insulated)
- Private balconies with tiles (bitumen bedded)
- Private balconies with tiles (cement mortar bedded)
- Private balconies:terraces with paving slabs – fully buried
- Timber upstand expansion joint (cold roof)
- Concrete upstand expansion joint (warm roof)
- Sleeved pipe passing through roof (warm roof)
- Timber valley gutter and brick parapet
- Apron and drip to concrete (optional water check)
- Apron and drip to timber (optional water check)
- Timber roof eaves gutter (warm roof)
- Concrete roof eaves gutter (warm roof)
- Clamping cone outlet
- Traditional asphalt detail timber:metal
- Traditional asphalt detail concrete deck
- Mastic Asphalt Green Roof
- Mastic Asphalt Upstand Into Chase
- Flooring Index
- Flooring Introduction
- Design of floor to be asphalted I
- Design of floor to be asphalted II
- Design of the flooring base
- Mastic asphalt flooring
- Special applications
- Detail considerations I
- Detail considerations II
- Tolerances on finished mastic asphalt flooring
- Site work Workmanship
- Testing the surface
- Maintenance and repair
- Mastic asphalt flooring with skirting board
- Mastic flooring with decorative sheet or tile finish and skirting board
- Mastic flooring overlaid with wood block finish
- Mastic flooring with ceramic tile finish
- Mastic asphalt flooring and skirting to tiled shower baths or similar
- Mastic asphalt flooring with mastic asphalt skirting
- Mastic asphalt flooring to plant and tank rooms
- Mastic asphalt flooring to drainage channels with light duty gratings
- Mastic asphalt flooring to heavy duty drainage channels
- Tanking Index
- Tanking Introduction
- Tanking Detail considerations
- Design of the Tanking base
- Mastic asphalt tanking
- Surface protection
- Special considerations
- Tanking Site Work
- Workmanship-tanking
- Externally applied mastic asphalt tanking to concrete
- Externally applied mastic asphalt tanking- detail of pick up
- Externally applied mastic asphalt tanking under foundations
- Externally applied mastic asphalt tanking over pile caps or under column bases
- Sump or inspection chamber in externally applied mastic asphalt tanked basement
- Internally applied mastic asphalt tanking
- Service pipe passing through mastic asphalt tanking or tank lining
- Mastic asphalt lining to cold water storage tank
- Mastic asphalt lining to catch pit, sump or other structure receiving the discharge of hot liquids
- Paving Introduction
- Paving Index
- Design of roof or area to be asphalted
- Design of the base
- Mastic asphalt paving
- Design considerations
- Detail considerations
- Site work
- Workmanship
- Testing
- Maintenance and repair
- Terraces and balconies to receive sand bedding and block paving
- Terraces and balconies to receive mortar bedding and slab paving
- Uninsulated roof gardens
- Insulated roof gardens
- Fully insulated roof gardens
- Uninsulated rooftop parking in car:HGV decks
- Insulated rooftop parking in car:HGV decks
- Drainage channels on rooftop parking in car:HGV decks
- Unheated ramps in car:HGV decks
- Heated ramps in car:HGV decks
- Heavy duty drainage channels on ramps in car:HGV decks
- Internal levels of multi-storey car parks subject to hosing
- Internal levels of multi-storey car parks with no waterproofing
- General duty and public access decks and podia
- Steps
- Access decks, drying and playing areas
- Index
- Introduction
- Design considerations
- Laying the mastic asphalt paving
- Skid resistance
- Carriageways
- Bridge decks
- Drainage channels in carriageways
- Footpaths
- Traffic calming measures
- Traffic advisory leaflet
- Railway platforms & footbridges
- Street markets
- Loading bays
- Edge finish to loading docks or bays