Value for money, the best product – these qualities don’t often go hand-in-hand but in the world of waterproofing a tried and tested product that offers exceptional longevity and one that is highly resistant to wear and tear no matter what gets thrown at it is mastic asphalt.
Providing such excellent wear – with a life expectancy of 50 years and more, the waterproof membrane is fast becoming the material of choice for a manner of different buildings including, schools, offices, shopping centres, hotels and even churches.
Highly cost-effective, mastic asphalt offers lower installation costs than many other types of membranes. Its versatility makes it the ideal choice for not only flat roofing but also flooring and paving. It is also extensively used on bridges, car parks and other types of structural decks.
The traditional material comprising of limestone and bitumen, with the addition of modern polymers, is robust enough to withstand both foot and vehicular traffic and is both non-toxic and non-flammable. Its durability of use is one of its major benefits, with no application too tricky.
Another major advantage with mastic asphalt is that it can be laid at speed, reducing the project costs significantly. The material can be delivered to site, direct from the factory, at the correct temperature for instant installation via a hot charge transporter or insulated dumper. One 15-tonne hot charge delivery vehicle can supply enough mastic asphalt to lay 300 square metres of material to a depth of 20mm.
As if mastic asphalt’s reliability, cost-effectiveness and durability weren’t enough, it is also seen as one of the greenest construction materials in the UK.
Its eco-friendly qualities are appealing to specifiers who are increasingly more environmentally aware, providing a surge in interest for this most traditional of methods. When the mastic asphalt eventually does reach the end of its life, it can be recycled and broken down into hardcore or used in mastic asphalt roof screeds, helping protect the environment as well as the building for years to come.
With an increasingly green product to rival the fiercest of competitors, mastic asphalt has more than proven to be tough, reliable and competitively priced – just some of the reasons why it remains a market leader in today’s modern world.