Non toxic and non flammable, mastic asphalt is now more relevant than ever to the needs of a modern construction industry coping with climate change. So it’s no wonder that mastic asphalt is now being used on so many education construction projects.
The high mineral content of mastic asphalt renders it virtually incombustible. Because Mastic Asphalt is laid in molten form it is frequently confused with other types of membrane that require naked flame or torch on application.
For major projects the material is usually taken to site by hot charge tankers direct from the manufacturer and taken to the point where it is needed for rapid installation – a major boon for contracts with critical time constraints. For smaller projects solid blocks are preheated in boilers placed at ground level before being laid.
At no time is there any type of naked flame at the point of installation and because mastic asphalt is so highly flame resistant, there is little or no potential of fire risk.